Monday, July 24, 2006

Hot enough for ya? Monday memo

Man, I couldn't get that cliched, could I?

It was another scorcher yesterday, wannit? Nonetheless, Otis and I took a morning bike ride on the Sammamish River Trail, and clocked almost 24 miles. (It wasn't that bad, with several stops to wet outselves down at water fountains.) This brings my so-far B2K total to 915 miles.

In other news, we jointly or severally watered plants, responded papers, and rode around in the air-conditioned car looking for air-conditioned places with business to be taken care of: Depots of both the Home and Office variety, and Safeway; we even ate dinner out just for the climate-control, with Otis cobbling together some sort of meal from the pieces of the menu she was allowed to eat. In the evening, we spent some time at Barnes and Noble, not-buying books and not-sweating (although I did pick up a CD for school - Mozart Makes You Smarter!).

It's supposed to be milder today, which is good, since I have a lot to do between my morning and evening classes.

Check out the Group Blog for some upcoming action, eh?

1 comment:

wheylona said...

Man, you know how lucky you are to have a B&N to hang at until 11pm? There are very few air conditioned places for me to hang at (besides work, but who wants to spend all day there)?

I packed up the laptop and baikasuna'd over to the library, thinking it'd be all climatized (as they say in Spanish) and I could sit and edit happily for hours, but no dice. I am sitting and editing for hours, but not so happily as it's warm & stuffy. :-(

Oh well, soon enough it will be winter and wet and cold...