Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election day catch up

I walked down to my local polling place and exercised my franchise in the old-fashioned way, casting my "Strong Democrat" paper ballot in person. Well, not entirely old-fashionedly -- we use a scantron form now. I never did like the little push-pin deal they had for so long. I can remember going into the old mechanical voting booths with my mom back in the City: all these rows and columns of little red levers were arrayed beautifully. Each row was for an elected position, and the columns were organized by political party, with a little symbol for the party at the top - I can recall there being a hammer and sickle, and another one with an arm in a rolled-up sleeve (Communists and Socialists?). Next to the symbol was another lever; if you pulled that one, it pulled all the levers in the column, voting for the candidate of that party for each office. When you had everything set, you pulled a great big lever to open the curtain, and the votes were recorded. It looked something like this. Those were the days...

Hey, I forgot to mention that N*W*C in Kirkland was a swell evening, aside from the rainy night and the bridge traffic. It was a fine show, and there were a whole bunch of folks there to enjoy it. Kudos to Sunni-V for his professional and personal efforts on the project.

I'm still chugging along on the work train. Spent a lot of time with paers over the weekend, and have been churning out lesson plans this week. I'll be glad for the holiday on Friday.

Hey, it's my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday, Norma Jean!

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