Sunday, November 20, 2005

Dark twilight

Pretty cool title, huh? I think it would work well for a science fiction novel.

Anyhow, I am waiting for Otis to return from her feng shui / house organization mission to Eatonville on behalf of her employer / associate, the career / life counselor (stop me before I slash again!). I didn't get as much responding done as I had planned to this weekend, but enough, and there's still more to do, since Otis has to grade a slug of papers when she gets home, and I will likely work more as well.

I am looking forward to the short work week and hope to see some of you for Thanksgiving weekend fun! And nothing says Thanksgiving like Mexican wrestlers!


Anonymous said...

wouldn't dark twilight be night?

the dark lord

Anonymous said...

How about tepid twilight?

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's with the poster of all those puny non-wrestling Halloween babies? It's almost like a... WAVE-O-BABIIEEEES!! Did the Salvation Army have a sale on puny Halloween masks? Or like puny masks for puny wrestling wannabes?

Or is that like a brochure for a resort where it's always Halloween and everyone has to wear a mask to avoid the shame of being identified in a world of non-wrestlers who hide their faces in embarrassment every time they face the public?

Oh wait, that's me. Okay nevermind.

And that dude in the corner, he's not even wearing a mask! Just some funky Velma-got-sick-of-these-and-threw-them-out-last-week horn-rimmed crap glasses. I could totally pile-drive Mr. Lisa Loeb over there.

Actually he's kinda hot. I mean SHE. SHE is kinda hot. SHE is a total hottie. If I were a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, I'd be draping myself all over the bridge of that nose and those majestic sylph-like ears. You couldn't stop me with a truckload of bulldozers. Or a truckload of trucks. Or a truckload of truckers driving horn-rimmed bulldozers.


Walaka said...

Good eye, Soapster - uh, I mean, StrongBad. Actually, that dude in the corner is Artbabe, from whose site I lifted this poster, to which she had added herself.


Ned said...

Love that sexy Mexican punkchewashum!

I vote twidark, if we're voting, that is. I loves to vote!