Sunday, July 15, 2007

A gatherer of wool

Otis came home last night! Yay!

Y'know, I have been thinking a lot lately about pursuing a doctorate. This comics scholarship stuff I have been doing seems to be calling to me pretty strongly, and maybe I should really do it to it, as the hep cats used to say. There is an underlying problem, however: my antipathy toward most things academic (as opposed to things scholarly). Pursuing the latter while avoiding the former requires walking on a knife's edge, and I'm not sure I have the energy for it. More musings on this to come.

I'm posting from the Wallingford Tully's, one of my usual retreats when I need to get work done (and when Otis has appointments at home). I have already completed my responding and prep for Monday's class as well as my comics blog, so it really is a productive venue for me. More importantly, I actually rode my bike down here! I have been spectacularly remiss in doing any riding this season. I could list some excuses extenuating circumstances, such as my not having a commute to Bothell to jump-start the miles (as I have had the past two years), but I have concluded the simple fact is that I have been having too much fun riding the scooter, and that that has been keeping me off the bike. So, like someone swearing off M&Ms so he can eat cheesecake, I think I need a moratorium on scootering so I can get back in the bike habit. Here goes nothin'!

My ride down here was made more comfortable by the sort-of meshy (but not really) and totally cool Irish athletic jersey that Stella so kindly gave me t'other day. Thanks, dudette!

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