Monday, July 14, 2008

Sultry Sunday

Once again, the highlights of the day are nothing more than a walk (around the lake for me, through the ravine with her pal Dot for Otis) and a movie (Road to Perdition on the Big Wall - it was better than I had thought it was going to be, and more thoughtful than brutal). The rest of the day was passed in quiet TCB and relaxation.

Quick bits:

J-Force's Honda is back on the beam with only trivial adjustments, so she will be the Scooter Force for the rest of the summer.

The painters who are working on the property haven't made a while lot of progress. After about three days work, the back face of our building has been scraped and primed. Considering there are three more faces of the same size and four more that are slightly smaller, I think they are going to be here a lot longer than a week.

The paint all piled up in the back kinda stinks, too, and the supplies and equipment take up all the parking spaces.

Soapy was going on a bit about absinthe when it was getting legalized in the U.S. again. Here's a little report form Slate about the subject. One commenter on another site discussing this said that the best party drink might be absinthe plus champagne plus Red Bull. And I have no response to that.

If you can imagine it, there is a website: here's one dedicated to tattoos with literary themes.


ReadyToShelve said...

I wanted to purchase a bottle and try it based on the negative hype the nuns assigned it in grade school.

And I'd like to christen an absinthe-amaretto-Red Bull beverage as "red fairy" or "dark spark."

Walaka said...

I had the more mundane "ABC" for absinthe-Bull-champagne, but maybe "gold fairy" would be better.