Friday, July 25, 2008

In the fullness of the day

Yesterday was packed with relaxing!

I met FarmerScott in Bothell for breakfast, and we had so much to talk about that we stayed in he restaurant until people were ordering lunch!

Then I had to hustle down the Mukilteo Speedway and catch a boat to Whidbey Island so I could put my feet up on the deck of Doctor Burn's spread and pass the afternoon in idle conversation, in the company of good folks. That's what it's all about.

The traffic gods smiled on my return trip, and Otis and I had time for a nice walk after dinner before settling in for the night.

While settled in, I found this groovy site that turns any text or website into a word cloud. Here's this blog:
The bigger words are those that appear more frequently. (I think it's just looking at the last page displayed, not the older posts.) Here are some more samples from our blogroll - whose are these? (I let the program pick colors and formats at random.)

I think you can learn sometimes surprising things about a text from this method. Here's the Declaration of Independence, for example:

Try it yourself!


Jon Myers said...


ReadyToShelve said...

That's awesome! :D

One of those scatterings is Ned Said, but I'm not sure which one.

ReadyToShelve said...

I'm pretty sure the last one is Thomas Jefferson's blog.

John said...

Mine is strongly skewed by my fake dialog post. Apparently writing...

Andrew Bird: blalblblal
Warren Ellis: blalabalablab
Andrew Bird: blalalalbabbal

doesn't work well for this game.

Walaka said...

Yah, that post sure dominated your cloud, John.