Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, maybe not as hot as hell, but yesterday may have been as hot as the hinges of hades (as dear Lynn would have it). I took a walk around Green Lake before the temperature was its highest, and it was still plenty hot enough to leave me wet and wilted and the end of the circuit. I even made a stop at the library to see J-Force and tinker a bit with her motorbike, which is acting up a little. Besides that, most of the day was filled with quiet activities, such as reading and sweating.

In the evening, after Otis got home from Whidbey Island and we had a little dinner, we headed into the bowels of downtown to catch Hellboy II: The Golden Army with Soapy, Neds, Mr. X, Johnbai, O, and Dingo. The movie was a little goofier than the first one, but delivered both the whiz-bang effects and creatures and the smaller aw, shucks moments. The afters was problematized by an inability to find a place that was open past 11:00 and wasn't a bar; Otis and I headed home and I have yet to find out the upshot of that search (obviously).


ReadyToShelve said...

Somewhere around Bleak Gray Month #5, I'll fondly remember this hellaciousness!

Walaka said...

Yeah, man -- this is when we need to store this energy deep in our marrow, for slow release during February...

John said...

We wound up going to the Deluxe for beer and french fries.

Albino elf ninja was slightly cooler than clockwork nazi assassin.