Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weekend vampire

(As I type this, NPR is playing a story on basque sports, like stone-lifting and wood-chopping. Agur, Wheylona! (Is that right?))

Yesterday was mostly papers, papers, papers: both Otis and I had stacks to plow through, and plow we did.

We did start off with a nice walk down to the U-district before we hunkered down, and took a break in the afternoon to head over to the purgatory of Home Depot. That trip secured some planter boxes which we adapted for use as cat-houses, in an attempt to keep the critters (Selkie, the indoor-outdoor cat, and Mountie, the outdoor-outdoor cat) happy over the winter. They also keep our front entry looking decent.

We had the good fortune to meet Gweekers and Mikey (and assorted kith and kin) down at the Blue Star for dinner. One of our dinner companions, five-year-old max, graced Otis with this lovely portrait of a (not terribly threatening) vampire:

We still managed to have sweet dreams.

Back to work!


wheylona said...

Aupa, walaka! And agur, too.

I also was watching these very same Basque sports on TV yesterday--big dudes lifting 150kg stones over and over again, others chopping huge blocks o' wood. Oddly enough (or maybe not), these sports also have a serious following in Australia--in fact the top five stone lifter guys yesterday had Anglo names, mayhaps they was Aussies but I couldn't tell you for sure as all commentary was in Basque.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Scottish Highland games. Perhaps there is a connection somewhere, or just a universal need for strong people to throw big things.

Jon Myers said...

I think the connection might be migratory - and involving sheep...