Sunday, November 12, 2006

Apres moi, le deluge

Man, is it raining.

Hey, what's wrong with this picture: it's Sunday night, my bags are all packed for the morning and Otis is grading papers because she's behind. That's a little backwards, innit?

One of the things that got Otis behind (just a little) was out stopping by to say goodbye to JJ, who is off in a few days for a new job as the number three administrator in the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Library system. Classy to the end, JJ's Seattle send-off was down at 10 Mercer, and we briefly joined the scores of well-wishers getting their last bits of JJ goodness. I wish we could have stayed longer, but I'm sure the miracle of the intarweb will keep us connected to JJ, even hemitranscontinentally. Here's a pic of JJ from the last Oscar do, looking suitably triumphant:

Speaking of pictures, Sachet sent along some pics from Librapalooza. I felt inspired and made some animated gifs - click the links at your peril.

Otis got bamboozled today - she's replacing the lavender at her business entrance with bamboo, and picked up the pots of starts today. Tip o' the hat to Farmer Scott for the recommendation.

We spent last night with the Putnam Pater and Mater celebrating the former's birthday. More "good" Chinese-American food. There were Top Pot doughnuts for dessert, though!

Other than that, the rain has kept me mostly umotivated and underactive. I did get a lot of work done, but it hardly seems a fair trade.

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