Monday, December 18, 2006


Sunday Funday: After a relaxing morning yesterday, while Otis was busy with Dingo, I went up to Caffe Vita on Cap Hill and finished off the grading for NSCC. Two schools down, one to go! It was nice to work in a different environment, and it reminded me of those heady days of GeekQuest Alpha (the cafe was our HQ for the event). So, just the AUS stuff to wrap up, and I can actually call it a break.

After a VV visit, Otis and I headed over to Ballard to visit TonyToniTone and Skippy at their party/art show. We picked up some nice prints of their photography, munched munchies, and had a chance to visit more with Invisible Adam and J-Force & Keeper.

Blogging Blues: Aargh, as Charlie Brown used to say. As I mentioned, I migrated this blog over to Blogger-space from an external server when I upgraded it to Beta. The Farrago "recent comments" hack wasn't compatible, so I got the same one Wheylona found. It still didn't work, and I found there was another related issue: when you're on an archived page, clicking the blog title should take you to the main blog page, but now it takes you to a "blog not found" page.

I have identified why this is, but not how to fix it. It's related to the recent comments problem that Otis had on her art blog. When you use an external server, some of the scripts apparently expect or insert (or don't expect or read) a slashie or subfolder for the blog location. I can't figure out exactly how or why this works; the Farrago hack worked fine on my external blog but not on Otis's. But now that I have migrated here, the hyperlink from the title is still looking for the folder that used to be on the external drive, even though there isn't one on Blogger. I can't see why it would do this, since it as a dynamic link, but there you have it.

Bottom line: my recent comments widget is wonky and my archive pages are frakked up and I don't know how to fix 'em yet.



Jon Myers said...

The recent comments widget seems to be working on your site - I tried to download the same one as you and Wheylona are using (on the Beta versions of my pages that I am futzing around with) but went instead to BeautifulBeta rather than Hackosphere to get the widget installed - not sure if that would make any difference?

Walaka said...

I checked out Beautiful Beta and I'm gonna leave the hack as is for new...

I fixed the header problem with some lateral thinking: I wrote an HTML link into the title box on the settings page.