Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Just because I can

I must say that I have been having a good time being on break, even though I still have work to do. I have been sleeping later, like 7:00 am, and staying up later. I can relax in the mornings, because there's no place I have to be at a particular time. I can blog whenever I want to, even when I have nothing compelling to say. I could get used to this schedule, but I had better not.

I was productive yesterday, and took a big bite out of my assessments. I should be able to finish them off today.

Besides work, Otis and I had a chance to visit with Sairey, who brought yummy gifts. We also took a long walk down to and around Wallingford, coming back via Trader Joe's. Later, we made another excursion to Ballard for pho, and stopped by to see Kris-10 and Rye-N. It really is seeming like the visiting season these days.

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