Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Post #500: so now what?

In a little bit of serendipity that shines some sunshine on theis blogo-mess, this is my 500th post on the blog. How about that?

One of the themes that I have returned to frequently since this experiment began is that of intention: why blog, anyway? I don't know that I have figured that answer out yet. I haven't even figured out what to do with the labels feature on Blogger Beta here. But I do know that I enjoy doing it, and I hope some others get some enjoyment out of my doing it, too. If you're out there, and if you have found me after the address-change screw-up, drop a line and let me know, okay?

The score so far:

Grading and assessing: 21 down out of 33
Next quarter prep: 1 down out of 13


wheylona said...

Spiffy new decor! :-)

Jon Myers said...

Found you - what a change!

I wanted to find out from my 'readership' if using labels would help them navigate my site better but not much response so far so I am still contemplating this too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I found you through Google....and almost thought I took the wrong hit. Interesting change, it will just take a minute to get used to the new wallpaper.

John said...

New colors are kinda painful. Any chance Courtney could do some guest art direction? ;)

Walaka said...

John, after months of our having to look at a Bummerman couch potato painting on your site, you do not get call another blog "painful."

Nonetheless, I have toned the colors down.