Well, of course, I was wrong. The 66 runs right down Roosevelt almost directly to the target; the 72 gets me there from 15th and the 71 from University. Easy-peasy.
I had been working backwards from the Metro map itself; a check this morning revealed that the downtown insert does not highlight all routes traversing downtown, only the ones they consider "frequent" and suitable for moving around downtown itself. Some routes (like the 66) have little numbers but no colored lines and others (like the 72 and 71) are not shown at all.
So, my mistake, but good news as a result!
You might ague with me, and you may argue with Neds, but don you go tryin to agrue with both of us together!
Um, you ever try Trip Planner, W? Works very well ;) No looking at maps necessary, just plug in starting and ending points and it picks shortest routes, least transfers, least walking, etc routes. Preeeeety cooooool.
I have found Trip Planner works for planning a trip (funny, that) but is less successful at providing general info without a specific departure time. Sometimes you have to make a few searches to feel confident in having gotten the full picture of all the options. The old comprehensive map still has its uses (if you pay attention when you're reeding it).
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