I had occasion to get cleaned up today. Not bad, really:
Herr Doktor Walakus

Of course, it was soon back to Sweatpants Nation:
Some guy

We got the Brookstone Catalogue today, full of expensive doo-dads for people with more money than they need and not enough places to spend it:
Most egregiously useless appliance

This is mostly for Yojimbo, but wasn't this story made into a TV-movie for KCTS a long while back? by some guy from KIRO?
I think it was a Russian folk tale

A number of people asked about the pumcake recipe we used this year. I could have pointed you at the website, but I wanted to stick with the theme and post a picture of the index card actually used in the prep:
Yummy pumcake recipe

There are the pictures - I wish I could say that Otis was back to picture-perfect, but her cold is hanging on tighter than Eva Marie Saint to Cary Grant. We took a little excursion out here to World Cup, but only after she fortified herself with some Big Bowl Noodle House Clear Broth Tofu with Wide Noodles, 3*. I think she's turned the corner, though.
You're thinking of "The Falcon" the Russia folk tale I did sound on way back in the early 80's. It was a Seattle-Georgian co-production starring Larry Ballard and a bunch of Russian actors. It was written and directed by the great Greg Palmer and co-produced by Lucy Mohl. Last time I saw Lucy she had her own film-review site, and he was working at KCTS. He was formerly with KING as film reviewer/whimsy-editorialist.
It's Greg Palmer I was thinking of, from this period when he was working with Mohl, but the story was indeed Iron Shoes. I remember an interview with Palmer in which described how the Girl was the Agent in the story - the Boy is kidnaped or something, and the Girl walks across the world with the magic shoes to bring him back. Is that the same one?
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