Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Betwixt and between


I Got Them Liminal Blues...

The place is torn apart. I am sort of packing, and sort of moving stuff out/in (I've made two trips), and sort of cleaning, and sort of trying to ignore it. I had to find the water meter and the electric meter at the new place to take readings so I can call today to have the stuff switched over. I had to make sure that my cable internet stops, but that the email and server accounts stay active until we need to start it up again at the new place. I have quarter-wrapping-up to do, but I am stalled on some of it and ahead of schedule on some of it, and it's hard to get a sense of where I am, really. I am eating all the miscellaneous stuff in the fridge, since I don't want to buy anything since we'd just have to move it. Boo-hoo, poor me - and I have to do all of this before Saturday morning, because that's when I leave ... for Hawai'i. Yeah.

Um, never mind. Everything's great!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you already have this sorted, yet if you need a ride to the airport let me know. We will already be coming over your way to set up for Irish festivities at the Seattle Center.

Courtney Putnam said...

Hey honey--

Watch for those trolls who hang out in liminal spaces! :-)

Hang in there...
