Sunday, March 27, 2005

Rainday morning

It's a shame that even with all the grayness and wetness that we have been experiencing for the past few days (and all that will be coming in the next few) we will still be having a water-shortage summer.

It wound up being Otis, Andres(1), and I at the show yesterday. Shultze was a great movie - we all commented that it seemed less Metro-y and more Seven-Gablesy or Harvard-Exity: very much an art film. It was also engaging, charming, and touching. Afterwards, we went to Tully's in the Best Western, learned more than we needed to know about the three stooges, and sat by a fireplace in sumptuous furnishings. Sweet.

Here's a link to something we should be seeing in a month or so.

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